On many occasions and for various reasons, people may find themselves in emergency situations that can only be solved if they can get money fast. Whether it is to pay off a debt, to buy medicine, clothes, and food or to make a one-time investment to grow professionally, it is ideal that you know in which ways you could get money immediately.
At Good Life Loan we know that it can be difficult to approach a banking institution. They usually ask for hard-to-find documents, review credit histories, and put up all kinds of roadblocks over the smallest details.
However, the good news is that this is not the only alternative to get money fast. Take a look at these 6 other options we propose:
1. Apply for a personal loan
Currently, there are many businesses that are concerned with offering solutions to this type of situation. Among them, Good Life Loan is one of the means to get money fast with the highest approval rate and low interest rate.
Click here if you are interested in starting your application. This is the first thing we suggest you do in case you need to get money now. There are several reasons for this. The criteria you must meet are minimal and simple:
- 18 years of age or older
- Demonstrate that you have held the same job position for a period of 6 months or more.
- Have the capacity to receive payment directly
- Be a resident of Canada
- Have a monthly income of at least $1,200
Another advantage is that you can apply without surveys and for amounts from $250 to $1500 even if you have a bad credit score. The approximate response time and delivery of the money is 24 hours.
2. Use a credit card
Another option is to use a credit card. Whether to make online payments or to make a cash advance, this is a means that many people use on a daily basis to get money fast. This is because you can have benefits such as discounts in some establishments or receive cash back percentages or cash refunds.
One disadvantage, however, is that to own a card you do need to demonstrate credit experience and good payment habits. For this reason, among others, personal loans are much more effective.
Depending on your financial capacity, the bank will give you a specific quota. You can also defer payments to the number of installments that suits you best. In this case, there is usually more interest.
3. Borrow from friends or relatives
In case you can’t wait even 24 hours and require a quick cash loan, one solution is to turn to the assistance of your family and close friends. Of course, this will depend on the trust you have with them and the value you need.
Many people prefer not to mix financial issues with interpersonal relationships, but if it is really urgent we recommend you to commit to the payment and maintain good communication with the other person.
4. Seeks occasional work
Have you worked on short-term projects? A large portion of freelancers are dedicated to get money fast through day jobs such as taking photographs, writing articles, proofreading, lecturing, tutoring, and so on.
But you can also consider activities such as dog walking or babysitting. Occasionally, this can become an effective way to have instant money.
5. Sell some of your articles online
We all have items that we don’t use but that we keep storing in some cellar, room or drawer in the house. An emergency in which you need to get money fast is the best excuse to get rid of all those objects that are no longer useful and, on the contrary, can get in the way.
Examples of things you can start selling online and bidding on your social networks or by word of mouth among your friends are:
- Clothing
- Video games, discs or movies
- Paintings and other home decorations
- Furniture (chairs, beds, desks, night tables, etc.)
- Books and magazines
Some people have even dabbled in selling class notes online. There are applications designed for that in particular.
6. Rent your car or your house
Finally, if you own a house or apartment, you can think about renting a room to receive extra income on a weekly or monthly basis. This may not be such an immediate way to receive money if you are just starting out with the idea.
However, you are likely to get clients more quickly if you rent your car or offer yourself as a chauffeur. There are people, mainly foreigners or national tourists from different regions, who are looking to hire transportation services during the days they are traveling. This way, you could get money fast for days.